It’s amazing how the little things can build over time, slowly transforming who you are.

For me, it started late last year with a suggestion from my kiddos to stop drinking Diet Coke. Sure, I could do that…why not? It’s just Diet Coke. I’ve now had two Diet Cokes in the last 6 months.
 Over Christmas, my sister-in-law asked if I would be interested in attending Weight Watchers meetings with her. Sure, I could do that…why not? I’ve been talking about losing weight for years. I’ve now attended weekly meetings since the first of this year, and understand what a true portion size looks like.

I choose fruits and vegetables over chips and sweets. I track every morsel I put in my mouth, including the good and the bad. 
In mid-January, a co-worker showed me her new Fitbit. I’m a sucker for technology, so off to Best Buy I went to pick up my own little gadget. She asked if I wanted to be online Fitbit friends to help encourage each other. Sure, I could do that…why not? I started out averaging 3,000 steps per day. I now average over 10,000 steps per day! 

March included a girl’s night out playing Bingo, and I won the coverall at the end of the evening. I’d been hearing about the New Leaf metabolic assessments, and decided to invest my winnings in testing along with a few personal training sessions at the Y. I now know my target heart rate zones while working out, and am starting my fifth week of cardio and strength training. I’m literally watching the inches melt off my body. 
In April, I mentioned to the kiddos that I would like a Polar heart rate monitor to help with my workouts at the Y. They could give me one for Mother’s Day! Ok, let’s be honest…I told them I would just pick it up the next time I was at the Y because I couldn’t wait (but it’s still a present from them!).

Who knew I’d actually start to look forward to my workouts!
 Today, down 50 pounds and 6 dress sizes. I feel light as a feather!

I’m about halfway through this journey, but I know I’ll make it to goal by the end of the year!